I’ve enjoyed a tremendous journey discovering and learning about the fascinating world of Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) systems. In my attempts to find the best plants for this kind of setup, I’ve had my fair share of successes and failures. I’m excited to share with you my insights, findings, and valuable experiences in this aspect.
Top Plants Suitable for NFT Systems
The first step in succeeding in NFT systems is finding the ideal plants for it. Based on my exploration, studies, and the great article from Go Green Aquaponics, there are some standout choices.
Let’s start with greens like lettuce and spinach. They’re lightweight, have smaller roots, and adapt well. To meet your culinary needs, you can try herbs such as basil, chives, or oregano. If you fancy fruits, strawberries would be a fantastic pick.
But let’s underline one crucial fact—each plant comes with unique requirements for growth and productivity. That’s why knowing their characteristics is essential in this endeavor.
Understanding Characteristics of Plants Perfect for NFT Systems
Turning your NFT system into a lush paradise requires understanding the traits and characteristics of your chosen plants. Certain plants thrive perfectly in these conditions, thanks to their size and root structure.
Lightweight and medium-sized plants are ideal contenders for NFT systems. They don’t stress the system and can easily be supported. We’re talking about plants like lettuce and basil.
Root structure is another key aspect to consider. Go for plants with a less vigorous root system, such as spinach or strawberries. These can survive in the shallow water film provided by the NFT system. Besides this, be sure to check the nutrients and pH balance required for each plant to lessen instances of deficiencies or toxicities.
How to Grow Strawberries in NFT Systems
Now, strawberries are a favorite pick for NFT systems. How can they not be? They’re delicious, versatile, and with the right care, they can thrive in your NFT system.
Thanks to the insights from Hydroponics China, I learned the ropes of growing this sweet treat on my NFT. You need to start with a strawberry variety suitable for hydroponic growing. I’d recommend using ‘Seascape’ or ‘Albion’.
For strawberry seedlings, plant them into the NFT channels close to the nutrient inflow. Maintain a temperature between 65 to 77 °F and keep the pH between 5.8 to 6.2. Remember, these babies need a lot of light. Thus, during winter, you might need to provide supplemental lighting.
How to Grow Oregano in NFT Systems
Another personal favorite of mine to grow in NFT systems is oregano. Trust me, fresh oregano in your pasta or pizza is amazing. With information from Eden Green, I was able to grow my own successfully.
Oregano seeds or cuttings can be propagated into an organic plug then transferred to your NFT system once roots are established. This herb prefers a pH between 6.0 to 8.0 and generally requires less fertilization than most hydroponic plants.
The key in growing oregano successfully in NFT systems is ensuring a proper light schedule. Oregano requires at least six hours of light per day for optimal growth.
Addressing Common Problems & Ensuring Successful Plant Growth in NFT Systems
No matter how prepared you are, challenges in using NFT systems will surface. But you know what? They’re totally solvable.
You can encounter problems like uneven and insufficient nutrient distribution, root diseases, and water temperature issues. So, what’s my solution? Consistently checking the pH balance, using submersible heaters or coolers to maintain water temperature, and regular cleaning can mitigate these issues.
With everything considered, having an NFT system at home has been a rewarding experience for me. It’s a continual process of learning, which only makes me appreciate plants and their journey from seed to sprout even more. So, step into this invigorating world of NFT systems and experience the joyful discovery of growing your own plants.